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About Us: Equity & Social Justice

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Equity Survey and Priority Action Steps

In August 2021, a survey was distributed to Daily Work stakeholders to get their feedback about the inclusiveness of Daily Work's people, processes, and decision-making structures. The DEI Toolkit was created by the Charities Review Council (CRC) and includes a survey that is used to gauge stakeholder perceptions about the inclusiveness of nonprofit operations. The CRC is respected for developing the Accountability Wizard, an online tool that assesses and strengthens nonprofit operating functions. 

This survey is unique because it is based on researched constructs of Inclusion, such as fairness, belonging, and voice. In addition, the survey asks essential, though sensitive, demographic questions such as gender identity, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation. 

The survey was sent to 340 Daily Work stakeholders including board members, staff, volunteers, interns, organization partners, church partners, and donors.  Forty-one people (12%) responded. The responses were helpful in identifying priority areas for the committee's focus and attention. The attachment below includes a  summary of the survey and resulting priority actions.

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