Are You Ready for a Better Job? Our Services are Free and Available to Job Seekers

We Provide the Right Information, People, and Resources
Job searches don’t have to be a lonely, frustrating experience. With a caring team, the right resources, and support when you need it most, you can find work that puts you on a path to achieving your financial needs and life goals. Finding work that's right for you is a journey. Daily Work will support you every step.
[At Daily Work] it's more like sitting down as a family at the table to look for jobs... and then discussing it with somebody that cares about you.
~ Larry, Daily Work Job Seeker
Our Steps to Success
Step one - Let us get to know you
The first appointment is just about you. What interests, skills, experience do you have? What kind of job do you dream of? What has been hard about keeping a job? Hard about looking for a job? Does something stop you from getting a good job? Let us get to know you.
Identify other needs
Do you need clothes? Food? Internet connection? Access to a computer? Transportation? Training? App downloads? Let us show you how to access additional resources and meet basic needs.
Build on your strengths
What skills do you already have? What work experiences do you have? How can we build on them? How can we best show your successes? Let us discover what is best about you, improve a few skills, and put you in a position of strength.
Find Jobs
Where are we most likely to find job openings for your job type? How many jobs would you like to apply for? Let us show you how to search online.
Online Application Process
Do you need a resume? Unsure about how to apply online? Do you feel confident about interviewing? We meet you where you are and help you acquire the skills you need to succeed. From submitting online applications, to making a great resume, to a successful interview, we make sure you have what you need to get a job offer.
On-Going Support
Great! You got the job offer! Do you know how to negotiate for higher wages? Let us walk you through background checks and orientation videos. And let’s stay in touch to think about what the next job could look like.