The words and actions of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr continue to inspire and transform our nation. On this day of national remembrance, join us in a deeper commitment to advancing racial equity and equal opportunities for working and thriving in our community. Find an event to celebrate his life, consider the power of his words, or do something to be more anti-racist or advance racial equity.
Go to an event.
There are parades, marches and celebrations held around the country every year on MLK day, and Minnesota is no exception. Celebration and learning events are happening throughout the Twin Cities this month. Use this as an opportunity to show up in your community.
Remember the words of Dr. King.
While the "I have a dream" speech might be the most famous speech given by Dr. King, there's a lot more to his message. Check out some of his most radical and thought-provoking quotes and speeches.
- Check out these videos of some of Dr. King's most important speeches
- Radical quotes from Africa Amplified
- More quotes from African Exponent
Educate yourself.
Do more to educate yourself about how to be more anti-racist and advance racial equity in our community.
- Check out Daily Work's favorite resources for becoming more anti-racist (scroll to the bottom for books and podacsts)
- Explore the Racial Equity Resource Directory