The miracles that happen at this time of year seem even more poignant.
Perhaps it's the contrast between our longing to lean deeper into the values of the season, such as peace and goodwill, love and giving, hope and renewal, kindness and compassion, and the stark reality of the added burdens caused by financial hardships during long, dark winter days, when expenses for heat, transportation, food, and gifts are a greater burden.
This contrast has been especially notable at Daily Work this month. From the little bat who will spend his winter at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center instead of inside our office, to a small family from Ecuador who found hope and sanctuary with a metro-area couple who took them into their home with less than 24 hours to prepare, the essence of the Christmas story surrounds us at Daily Work.
Here are a few more December miracles....
- One of our job seekers found a new, full-time job that pays $21 per hour. The miraculous part, the job is with a company founded by one of our job seekers, who was experiencing homelessness nine years ago, when he first came to Daily Work.
- Ojulu, who was featured in our Steps to Success video in 2022, passed his citizenship test and became a U.S. citizen.
- Five job seekers passed the written knowledge test and one got their driver's license on December 20.
- Another job seeker found work in her field of choice, after years of working retail and other temp jobs to make ends meet.
- We connected several job seekers to resources that helped pay their rent and prevented their eviction.
The joy on someone's face when they secure employment after months of searching is nothing short of miraculous. For those who have faced barriers to transportation, having a driver's license opens up a world of opportunities. And nothing brings someone greater hope than the sense of security that a stable home provides.
Passing the citizenship exam is a testament to dedication and resilience. It's a long and challenging process, and seeing someone achieve this milestone represents the promise of a brighter future.
Finally, rescuing a bat might seem like an unusual miracle, but it underscores Daily Work's commitment to doing what we can to help build a community where everyone has what they need to thrive and shape their future.
At Daily Work, these miracles are not limited to the holiday season but occur year-round. They remind us that small acts of kindness and support can lead to incredible transformations in people's lives. It's a season of hope, progress, and the belief that every day holds the possibility for miracles, no matter how small or large. Your support is what makes these stories possible. Thank you.
Donate at our secure, third-party web portal to make more miracles possible.
Photo description: Upper left going clockwise: the front of a two-story home that is also a sanctuary for asylum seekers from Ecuador, a man in a suit and hat with an American flag after becoming a U.S. citizen, a driver in a car after getting his driver's license, a rescued bat in a clear container on his way to the wildlife rehab center.