As a small nonprofit, partnerships are crucial for Daily Work. Collaborations with local colleges introduce interns to our work. Since 2017, our partnership with Interfaith Action has brought new volunteers and resources for organizational development. Faith communities also offer volunteers and financial support. Partnerships with local foundations, businesses, and donors sustain our operations.
Daily Work is now intensifying its efforts to expand our network. Minneapolis Rotary Club #9, pictured left, is a recent partner. Jim Cousins, the Local Community Service Chair, discovered us through a friend and shared our work with Rotary. He also introduced us to the St. Paul Rotary Club for potential collaboration. Do you know a service group that would enjoy learning about or volunteering with Daily Work?
Communities of faith have long supported Daily Work. On April 7, we will lead the Adult Education Forum at St. Anthony Park United Church of Christ. If your congregation is interested in learning more about supporting immigrants and newcomers and/or the challenges they face, please reach out.
Cultivating collaborations with corporations and foundations is the most challenging. These partnerships rely on strong relationships and employee involvement. If your company is community-focused or has a foundation, consider connecting them with Daily Work.
Every great alliance at Daily Work began with a personal connection. Consider your network for potential partnerships. As late Senator Paul Wellstone was known for saying, "we all do better when we all do better."
Contact Julie Hoff at julie@daily-work.org to discuss your connections or ideas and explore how they can lead to meaningful collaborations that benefit everyone.