Job Seeker: Samander

A New Minnesotan
In a moment, at 21 years old, Samander’s life changed forever. With just two weeks to prepare, he learned that his family was to be evacuated from Afghanistan to the United States. He was lucky – his mother, father and siblings would all be going with him. But his uncle would have to stay behind.
“I had never been outside Afghanistan before,” says Samander. “I worked as a financial manager at a legal office and had been going to university for two years. Then we lost everything.”
At first, his university English classes were not enough to navigate conversational English in the U.S. “After seven months in New Jersey, my English is much better as I speak it all the time now,” he states.
The family’s NJ case manager told them they would be permanently resettled in Minnesota. “My first thought was, ‘Oh it is so cold,’ but it is worth all the opportunities that I see. But like anything, I needed help to guide me on what to do.”
The first task was to get a job. “I had to help support my family, but I wasn’t finding any success in finance or accounting,” notes Samander. At Daily Work, his case manager introduced him to Seagate. “I get to work with computers and use my math. I’m a manufacturing specialist and excited that Seagate will help pay for my education. Once I’m settled I will apply, transfer my university credits, and finish my degree in software engineering.”
Daily Work also helped Samander take behind-the-wheel driving lessons and set him up with a TECI laptop computer – some basic tools and skills needed to navigate his new life. “All of these things have been very helpful, but the networking part, introducing me to Seagate, was the most helpful.”
When we first came here, it was so difficult to think about the future. Now everything is clear, and I’m happy to see all of my opportunities to support my family and continue my education.