Intern: Marbel
Marbel's Personal Experiences Helped Others
Today, Marbel is confident that she and her husband can provide for their children. She even manages to save a little for the kids’ college accounts.
As a licensed graduate social worker (LGSW) with a master’s degree from the University of Minnesota, Marbel related to the long journey and many barriers facing Daily Work’s job seekers. “As a new immigrant to the U.S., my first thought was how do I survive?” said Marbel. “Will people understand me when I speak? How are things done here?” Walking into a job interview seemed like a nightmare rather than an opportunity.
Marbel credits Daily Work and others in her community for supporting her along the way. “I am thankful for what I know and to those who taught me how to thrive in a work culture and society that was all too foreign.”
Working as a social work student intern at Daily Work, Marbel honed her professional skills and built confidence by supporting job seekers who were starting their own journeys in the U.S.
Everyone comes into Daily Work with various challenges. The approach is to handle each and every one.
~ Marbel
It was only after leaving Daily Work and receiving three social work job offers immediately after graduating, that Marbel realized how much the social work and job search skills she learned were benefitting her life, family, and career.
Today, Marbel is doing double duty as crisis response social worker for both Washington County and major urban hospital...and loving every minute.